Sunday, November 18, 2007

FBI's Forensic Test Full of Holes

Hundreds of defendants sitting in prisons nationwide have been convicted with the help of an FBI forensic tool that was discarded more than two years ago. But the FBI lab has yet to take steps to alert the affected defendants or courts, even as the window for appealing convictions is closing.

read more digg story

Houston (and the rest of the U.S.), we have a problem. Not only has the FBI been using faulty science for decades, but has now attempted to quietly distance itself from the latest round of revelations of shoddy work. The problem - innocent people may be incarcerated, including some on death row - while the FBI (another Justice Department failure) works to protect its image.

When will elected officials and heads of agencies come to understand that such actions only serve to undermine the confidence that people have in the criminal justice system? Or should I say used to have?

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